Philly Funkwave

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You’re now on board the FunkWave movement!

Philly FunkWave. NEW YORK at its core, with a HINT of Philly. Ya’ ‘mein? Anyway… the FUNKWAVE MOVEMENT is at the core of the source, but funk and Hip-Hop ALWAYS rule. A Hip-Hop JAZZ element was needed for the Trezure Roxx initiative… So here we are. This is the Jazz Funk outlet for the cats. We have not forgotten our roots!

[/cs_text][/cs_element_column][cs_element_column _id=”9″ ][cs_text]

Get the new single on Amazon.

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You’re now on board the FunkWave movement!

Philly FunkWave. NEW YORK at its core, with a HINT of Philly. Ya’ ‘mein? Anyway… the FUNKWAVE MOVEMENT is at the core of the source, but funk and Hip-Hop ALWAYS rule. A Hip-Hop JAZZ element was needed for the Trezure Roxx initiative… So here we are. This is the Jazz Funk outlet for the cats. We have not forgotten our roots!

Get the new single on Amazon.[/cs_content_seo]